Tuesday, December 21, 2010

A Lesson in Time Management and Generosity

One last post? Try five. 

First, I would like to apologize to the class for not actively participating in the blog as I had initially intended. Upon hearing of a class blog, I was excited to take part in it and imagined several posts about The Office (my favorite TV show of all time). I soon found out this semester that I bit off more than I can chew with three classes and quickly fell behind. Professor Casey was generous enough for an extension and at this point any passing grade will do. 

While in this predicament I began to question where I went wrong and how I can improve my work ethic. A little emotional intelligence you might say. 

The most obvious was time management. I work a full time and part time job and was having difficulty getting it all together. However, in my three classes this semester I came across a couple of single moms, CEO's, principals and one coworker with two jobs AND major voluntary involvement in an organization. So I have no excuse. I needed to learn from this and sort it out. 

This post is not part of the assignment rather just a quick "heads-up" that there are five more to come. Perhaps, no one will even get a chance to read this. 

I am an avid visitor of Psychology Today  and came across a little information on time management and priorities. So for any of you in your first semester much like myself hoping to avoid making the same mistakes, I hope these help.

Happy Holidays.


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