Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The Cloudworker

This is an interesting article, describing the new workforce forming, that is completely in the clouds literally or figuratively. The pragmatic worker who is tied to his/her blackberry, email, and twitter account. The person who is up on all the new jonses and keeps up with all his friends or enemies via this new techno network. Who is traveling all the tiem and is a global consumer who has no real ties to any place but their laptop. The worker who is defined by their ability to adapt not wishing for the some dream job to finish a career at, just a place for the next 2 years. This is the worker who will succeed in this new generation.

Is it you?

it isn't me, Thank goodness might I add. I mean is this what we want to turn into. Its called an opportunist!



  1. Just read this and it is interesting. Sometimes I worry that I have over the past two years become a Cloudworker. I feel like this viison of the new workers makes sense when thinking about new technology and ways of working, but it fails to take into account today's economy. Bank accounts are low, and a few years of "cloud work," even if they are successful, make one yearn for a permanent, stable office job. Take my word for it!


  2. I think we are living in an age of information overload!!!! It's tough to keep up, and I think our mental states will change in ways we do not know yet... Check out this wonderful bit on education as one example:

